Written by Landis Arnold on . Open Source Notations

VMWARE Ovftool now has Open-vm-tools project

 OVF Tool as now there is Open-VM-Tools


Removed from other notations this abould how to use
OVF Tool  not currently installing 3-2021

This was a critical part of the build path using TKLDEV and noted in a separate article here earlier.  May work still for old formulations but likely flotsam now.

OVF tool does not load this way any more to my current experience  (3-13-2021)

Get VMWare's OVF Tool working 

      1. Login to VmWare
        • IE: my.vmware.com
        1. Download the tool to your computer
          1. https://my.vmware.com/group/vmware/details?downloadGroup=OVFTOOL430&productId=742
          2. This link above is for version 4.30 of OVFTOOL  (2019).  You may want a newer version which  you can get to at:
        2. Login via FileZilla to your TKLDEV appliance
          1. Ideally you will have a "downloads" or similar folder for files
            upload your OVF Bundle File to that directory.
        3. In Shell, be sure the file has chroot 755 permissions 
          chmod 755 VMware-ovftool-(VERSION.and.control.name).bundle
        4. Run the install code on your TKLDEV server inside SSH  (use the correct syntax)
        5. Run the Program
        6. Go through multiple pages of "licensing code"  (Accept All)
          1. accept the Terms at the very bottom of the licensing agreement
        7. Then Create a Config Folder and Copy the Contents as outlined here:  
        8. https://github.com/turnkeylinux-apps/tkldev/blob/master/docs/advanced/optimized-builds.rst
          Configuration & Setup
          1. cd buildtasks/
            mkdir config
            cp config.example/* config/.
          2. run bin/vm-setup


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