Written by Landis Arnold on . Open Source Notations

TKLDEV Setup and Note taking

TKLDEV is the build system for TurnkeyLinux applications.  It is very capable and somewhat easy to work with. 

I am wanting to build some more capabilities into TKLDEV and so today I have started again with the process of working with it and shold be able to proceed with modifying it.

To do so,  I installed from the TurnkeyLinux Hub, a TKLDEV Micro instance.  As the name holds, it is a pretty small build.  1 GB ram,  10gb of HD space.  Cost is not low:  About $12 per month, but it can be killed pretty easily and built again.

First Task:

Working through the lack of documentation with TurnkeyLinux.

This can be quite problematic.  However, if you read, and reread, forum entries, look at github documentation, and test and try things, things can work out.

There are several steps required for actually getting BuildTasks to start working.  (Somewhat dated now). 

I just removed the VMWARE OVF Tool and will put in a separate notation.  It is not working as of March 2021Interpret the correct Syntax inorder to get various BT-s working

    1. Hint:  actually type "./" where instructed to do so.
    2. ie: "./bt-iso"  or "./bt-vm"
    3. Interpret the correct Syntax inorder to get various BT-s working
        1. Hint:  actually type "./" where instructed to do so.
        2. ie: "./bt-iso"  or "./bt-vm"


Interpret the correct Syntax inorder to get various BT-s working

    1. Hint:  actually type "./" where instructed to do so.
    2. ie: "./bt-iso"  or "./bt-vm"

Verification of ISO's 

(best done by also downloading the hash file that is stored with the mirror, and which should be generated also by tkldev upon ISO build)

Building from TurnKey ISOcd 

Note that if there isn't already a Core ISO and matching hash file in /mnt/isos buildtasks will download it from the TurnKey mirror.

When that's finished, you should find an official Core TurnKey ISO (and matching hash file) in /mnt/isos/ and a Core container build in /mnt/builds/container/

Turnkey Mirrors are sometimes downloaded rather than ISO simply generated  (see note 2 lines above)

Building from your own ISO

cd buildtasks/
./bt-iso new-app

Once that runs, simply run the relevant bt script. Don't forget to install the relevant dependencies.

./bt-vm new-app-14.2-jessie-amd64



Turnkey Mirror Links


Assorted Links of note:  



Issues at hand:  

Update Note 10-22-2019



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